I like to use things until they become unusable. I still use the leather purse which I got in 1995. My infamous backpack with wheels was purchased in 2002, the same year when this laptop computer was bought. Shoes are worn until they become unrepairable.
The mouse that I use was a gift from a friend of mine. I believe it's only about 4 years old. It's functional and I have no problem with it. However, C.J. insists I need a new one, a cute one like the Plumberry Mouse in the picture above.
C: Honey, come here. I think you will like this. Isn't this mouse cute? I'm thinking about getting this for you from eBay.
H: Let me see...it is really cute. Then, is anything wrong with my mouse? Is it not working? It was working fine yesterday...
C: No... your mouse is working, but it's not fun. I want you to use this cute mouse.
H: Hey, I am as happy as I can be with my mouse.
C: You know what? Also, there is this little crack on the side of your mouse...here, see?
H: So, is it not functioning because of the crack?
C: No...but...
H: I'm going to use this mouse until it goes dead.
C: Then, how about this? How about if I get this Plumberry one for your Christmas gift?
H: Well, I can't let this old one go until it does not work any longer. How about if you get me the Plumberry one when my old one dies?
C: ....Ok, we'll do that.
C: Honey?
H: Listening.
C: Are you going to keep me until I die?
H: Of course!
C: Are you going to get a new husband if I die first?
H: It depends...Are you?
C: Hmm...I think I'll eventually remarry. But, I'll miss you a lot, though.
H: (duh?)TAPO