Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Am I a Good Manager?
Kris was my very first discipleship leader. She discipled me for about 6 months. Kris was a stay-at-home mom, and she and her husband, Tom had two toddlers at that time.
I remember Kris and Tom not doing very well financially, and Kris used to ask me to pray for money needed to repair their roof, to replace their broken dishwasher, etc. Then, one day, Kris told me a revelation she had had that week about their financial situation. She said, "I realized that we never have enough money because we are not handling it right. Tom has a well-paying job, and we should be O.K. but we are not...I mean, we just are not good managers of His money. How could God entrust us with more, then?"
Can I handle more if I am given more? Am I a good manager?
Everything in the heavens and earth belongs to God. He gives and He takes away. Whatever given to us are our responsibilities, something that we will be asked to give an accounting of one day.
Monday, June 29, 2009
$3 Dinner - Chicken Over Rice

1.Sautee minced garlic in a lightly oiled pot
2.Add seasoned chicken strips and sliced onions to the pot and cook until chicken is not pink any more
3.Pour water into the pot; add dried red chile pepper, soy sauce (or tuna extract)
4.When the soup starts to boil, add egg and stir to break it
5.Add green onion to garnish; salt and pepper to taste
6.Pour it over rice and serve
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Double Coupon, Double Saveon

Last Friday, I bought a 10 oz. A-1 steak sauce at $0.99! The original price was $4.50, so we saved $3.51. From my weekly search at mygrocerydeals.com, I found out it was on store sale at Jewel-Osco for $2.99, and then we found a $2.oo off manufacturer's coupon from Sunday paper.
As I had written before, when we were planning our wedding, we saved over $3000 by using coupons, online promotional codes, haggling or simply by asking for discount. C.J., who was not much into using coupons at that time, came to see what those little coupons can do. Now he is the one who brings coupons books and Sunday paper for me to check every week.
One Dollar Here, One Dollar There, One Dollar Everwhere!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Toothpaste to the last drop

My parents should be given credit for these saving tips. I respect them for having lived such frugal yet generous lives.
I. Toothpaste
By the time we cannot squeeze out any more toothpaste from the tube, we cut the tube into a few pieces. Then we can use the leftover toothpaste inside the tube. A small (4.6 oz, 130g) toothpaste lasts us about one and a half week more by doing this.
II. Shampoo, Dishsoap
When you cannot pump out any more shampoo or dishsoap from the bottle, add water and shake to use the leftover inside the bottle.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
$3 Dinner - Wonder Pizza #2
I call this a Wonder Pizza because it makes us eat lots of vegetables and other healthful stuff which we don't normally enjoy by themselves. Somehow the pizza sauce (or spaghetti sauce in our case) makes all things delicious.
Ingredients (1 large pizza)
2 ts yeast + 2 ts sugar + 1/2 cup of warm water
4 C flour
1 t salt
2 t black pepper*
4 t red chile pepper*
1/2 C grated cheese (I used Parmesan & Romano)
1/2 C garlic powder
1/4 C olive oil
1 C warm water
1/2 C extra flour
1/4 C extra olive oil
*Adding black pepper and red chile pepper makes the dough spicy
spaghetti/pizza sauce, chicken (seasoned & cooked), onion, bell peppers, olive, can of corn, pineapple, tomato, mozzarella cheese
**These are suggestions. Feel free to use whatever you have or want.
1.Make and set aside yeast mixture
2.In a big bowl, add and mix flour, salt, black pepper, red chile pepper, grated cheese, garlic powder
3.Add olive oil, warm water, yeast mixture to the bowl, and mix with a fork***
4.Sprinkling extra flour on the dough, knead it for 8-10 minutes
5.In a plastic or zipper bag, pour extra olive oil, put the dough in the bag, cover the dough with oil
6.Let the dough rise for about 1 hour
7.Punch it down and wait another 30 minutes
8.Spread the dough on a pizza stone or baking pan, roll the edges; preheat the oven
9.Bake the dough for 10 minutes at 400F
10.Spread spaghetti sauce, add toppings, sprinkle mozzarella cheese, and bake for 10-12 minutes at 400F
***A fork works much better than a spoon or spatula
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Got Emergency Fund?

An emergency fund is an amount of money that you can obtain quickly in case of immediate need such as: an illness, loss of job, or other interruption of income. This money should be set aside in a savings account which pays the highest available interest or in a money market mutual fund that provides immediate access to cash if needed.
Having an easily accessible fund does not mean losing opportunities to earn interest on the fund. C.J. and I have been using a 7-day CD to keep our emergency fund. It automatically gets renewed every 7 days, provides a relatively high interest, and it is easily accessible.
It is often said that when it rains, it pours. How about building a safety net which not only provides protection but also keeps growing?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Bed Time Story #1
H: What?
C: Let's say we become millionaires, are you still going to keep cooking $3 dinners?
H: Why not?
C: Honey?
H: Que?
C: Let's say we become millionaires, are you going to keep cutting the toothpaste tube?
H: Any problem?
C: Honey?
H: Listening.
C: When we become millionaires, I want to rent a Bentley for a day.
H: Why?
C: Because it's my dream car.
H: We'll think about it.
C: Honey?
H: (snoring)
C: Honey?
H: (pretending to be asleep)
C: Honey? (shaking Hyuna's shoulder)
H: (snoring louder)
C: (whispering) I love you. Good night. (smooch ~ )
$3 Dinner - Hearty Oriental Chicken Stew

Ingredients (4 servings)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Seeing is Spending
I wish I had such discipline as a single person. Before I got married, I had only one checking account, which did not help much in regulating my spending. I definitely could have saved much more by putting extra money into something which is not as easily accessible as a checking account.
Well, better late than never!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
$3 Dinner - Bowlful of Good Stuff
Followings are some of the grains I use:
White rice, Brown rice, Sweet brown rice, Wild black rice, Millet, Kidney beans, Black beans, Red beans
Giving 40%
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! (Malachi 3:10 NLT)
Growing up, my mother often quoted Malachi 3: 10 to tell us the importance of tithing. She told us it's the only time and place that God tells us to "TEST" Him. In addition to the monthly tithe, we were taught to bring an offering whenever we went to church. When I got my first formal, full-time job, I gave my first month's income away as the "first fruit", which, I was taught, belongs to God.
During our very first finance workshop at Willow Creek's Good Sense, C.J. and I agreed to increase our giving by certain % whenever our household income reaches certain milestones. For example, let's say our current household income is $40,000. When our income reaches $50,000, we will increase giving from 10% to 11%. When our household income reaches $70,000, we will increase giving to 12%...and so on.However, last Sunday, when our new teaching Pastor Justin Nalls preached on Malachi 2:17-3:12, and quoted a commentary from Allen Ross, a Bible scholar, it gave me a whole new perspective of looking at the way we give.
According to Dr. Allen Ross, during the Old Testament period, the Israelites gave about 40% of their income to God. Here is a brief summary of their giving.
Basic Tithing
= Priest's due + Basic Tithe + 2nd Tithe (for Jerusalem and its needs) + 3rd Tithe (every other year for the poor)
Other offerings
= Animals for the 3 festivals + Sin offerings + Leaving corners of their fields for the poor to glean + Animals/gifts as free will thank offerings + Giving to charity, widows, orphans, strangers, and the poor
What an eye-opening and humbling revelation!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
V8 - Bitter to the Mouth, Better for the Health

Monday, June 15, 2009
$3 Dinner - Salmon Wrap with Asparagus and Mushroom
*Mushroom Salad
*Sauteed Asparagus
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Date Night

Saturday, June 13, 2009
$3 Dinner - Turkey Chili

Desperately hoping this pot of chili will last us at least for the next two days, I'll stay away from the kitchen this weekend....(did you hear me, C.J.?)
Friday, June 12, 2009
TV-less in Digital TV Era

When we tell people that we don't have a TV, their usual first response is brief silence and a look of disbelief. We often receive questions like "How do you live without a TV?", "Isn't it too boring without a TV?", "You don't even watch movies at home?", "That's cool!", etc.
When we first got married, I worried about my husband, CJ, being completely deprived of TV so suddenly. However, if you ask him now, he will tell you how much he is enjoying a TV-free life. Our after-work hours are used for home-cooked meals, exercise, reading and studying, maintaining home and cars, managing finance, hanging out with each other, and blogging like this!
Sometimes, I wonder what our lives would be like with a TV set sitting in our living room....Come home from work, perch in front of the TV, ramen or pizza for dinner, pile of dirty dishes in the sink, nasty bathroom, dirty clothes piling up, finance charges for late payments and overdrafts, cars in bad condition, escalating health problems, communication breakdown, brain frying, and so on...
Well, I know myself. I'd better keep my life free of TV. Life is, and marriage is much better without a TV set! Alright, we're going out to hit the gym tonight.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
$3 Dinner - Sizzling Turkey Burger

Ground turkey meatGarlic (powder or fresh ones crushed)
Flour (a few table spoons - it acts as glue and keeps the patties from breaking apart)
Yellow onion
Other vegetables you have (I added leftover chive & hot pepper)
1. Mix meat, garlic, salt, pepper, flour in a bowl
2. Add ground (or thinly chopped) yellow onion and hot pepper to the above mixture
3.If you have chive or cilantro, chop them and add to the mixture
4.Form the mixture into patties; wrap each with food wrap; freeze
Thursday is for Grocery Game

Two of our local grocery stores, Dominick's and Jewel-Osco, update their list of on-sale items every Thursday. So every Thursday, I check mygrocerydeals.com for hot deals of the week at those stores. Last month, we purchased two containers of 2 lb strawberries at mere $4.00, which comes down to $1 per pound! We had lots of fresh strawberries, and froze the leftover to make fruit smoothies later.
Here are some of the hot deals for the the upcoming week:
Cherries Regular/Red/Black (1.00 lb) $2.99 (was $4.99)
Strawberries (1.00 lb) 2 for $3.00 (was $7.90)
Arnold Natural 100% Whole Wheat 9 Grain Bread (24 oz) $1.99 (was $3.19)
Santa Cruz Organic Strawberry Lemonade (32 oz) 2 for $3.69 (was $7.38)
If I buy all of the above items while they are on sale, I'll be spending $11.67 instead of $23.46. It's a saving of $11.79! You see how this grocery game works? Ok, now I got to go to snatch those deals!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
BREAKING NEWS! $1 -- All Bus Routes Across the Northeast & Midwest
TravelZoo announced this unbelievable deal today.
Travel between 30+ cities this summer for $1 each way. Megabus.com is offering discounted seats on all of its routes for travel through September.
Yes, this is for real! Click here for more information.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
$3 Dinner - Omrice

Tonight, I'm challenging Erin Chase, the queen of $5 Dinners. I made Omrice for dinner today. Basically, it's fried rice covered with egg skins. I can't tell exactly how much it cost us to make this meal since potato & onion were purchased in bulk, but it should be somewhere between $2.50 and $3.
Ingredients (2 servings)
2 cups of rice, whatever vegetables you have (I used 1 potato, 1/4 onion, 1/4 green bell pepper), salt, pepper, 4 eggs, ketchup, oil
1. Cook rice
2. While rice is cooking, chop the vegetables and sautee them in pan, adding salt and pepper
3. Beat the eggs and make thin egg skins
4. Add cooked rice to the pan and mix with vegetables, adding more salt and pepper
5. Place fried rice on a plate and cover with egg shell
Monday, June 8, 2009
Allowance Money - Money & Marriage
Looking back at the past 15 months we've been married, we did a wonderful job of managing finance. Fighting against health insurance companies; haggling with furniture companies; confronting and negotiating with utility companies; selling old books and household items on E-bay and Craigslist; packing lunch everyday; taking buses to work during the gas price hike last year; clipping coupons every week...
Even when we had an argument and there was a cold war going on in the home, we kept each other accountable for every dollar we spent. Our commitment to be faithful stewards of the financial blessings God gave us has bonded us much stronger than we could imagine. Without us realizing it, we've become a good team.
*Tip of the day
Managing finance together with your spouse not only builds your financial freedom, but also builds your marriage.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Chicken, Turkey, and Tilapia
First of all, white meats tend to be more expensive than red meats. Ground turkey is $0.50 more expensive per pound than ground beef. Chicken breast is $1.00 more expensive than beef roast or rib eye. So, instead of chicken breast, we decided to go for chicken thigh, which is not only cheaper than breast, but also much more tender and jucier. We decided to pay more for replacing ground beef for ground turkey. It's better to spend more now for quality food than to pay a fortune later to treat health problems.
Secondly, I, the master chef of our household, have never cooked turkey dishes before, so coming up with a few easy turkey meal recipes was a learning experience. I had to do my own share of homework and came up with a few turkey recipes: sloppy turkey joe, tureky chili, turkey burger, turkey meatball.
Thirdly, living in the midwest, finding fresh and inexpensive fish with low level of mercury is not an easy task to do. For now, I decided to go for tilapia as I know it has the lowest level of mercury and yet delicious and inexpensive.
$5 Dinners
Bascially, she makes delicious and healthful meals to feed 4 people in her family and she pulls off those meals for less than $5! From my own experience, it's not an impossible task to do, but I know it takes a lot of planning and organization to come up with such meals. So, Erin, thank you so much for allowing us to take advantage of your expertise for free!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Happy Birthday CPF!
Congrats to Bob Lotich at Christian Personal Finance http://www.christianpf.com/
The website has seen over 750,000 unique visitors, and has given away over $1500 of free stuff, and received countless emails or words of encouragement from readers of how they have been helped!
Bob is thanking the readers who, for the last two years, have allowed him to not only make a little money blogging, but who also have helped him to make this his full-time job. To show his appreciation (and to maybe find a few more readers), he is giving away a Nintendo Wii and an iPod Nano (8GB)! Visit him at: http://www.christianpf.com/wii/